Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Micheal Whelan

"The Way of kings"
by Micheal Whelan
24 x 36 inches
(Book Cover for Brandon Sanderson "The Way of kings")

-An artist since 1980.
-He has a B.A. in painting from San Jose State University.
-He is a heavy hitting cover artist with 350 book and album covers for people like Stephen King, the Jacksons, and Meatloaf.
-He focuses on fantasy based covers and has won numerous awards in that field like Best Professional artist for locus magazine.
-A member of the graphic Artists Guild.
-As an illustrator, he usually incorporates part of the book into the cover and creates a scene or story in of itself.
-I like this piece because it represents the book very well with many elements from the book included into the painting. I feel as if I can step onto one of those plateaus and be swept away into the story.
-Statement: “The dignity of the artist lies in his duty of keeping awake the sense of wonder in the world.”-G.K. Chesterton. ---- This is a quotation Whelan uses to sum up his artist statement.

This is the last of the Gunslinger series by the author Stephen King but Whelan, as an illustrator followed the whole series for cover art. As their were more books, King went back to Whelan for a new cover.

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